Durante el curso 2009 ~ 2010, el Departamento de Inglés comienza a editar su propio Blog. Nuestra intención es que sirva de vía de comunicación entre profesorado y alumnado. Queremos que sea una herramienta más en nuestra actividad docente. Nos servirá para aprender y para compartir nuestras experiencias.

Sunday, 22 November 2015


Talk about an imaginary friend. Describe him/her (age, nationality, appearance, favourite colour, sport ...) and talk about his or her family.
You can get the photos you need from the Internet:
Remember to look at Unit 1 in your book for all the vocabulary and structures you need.

This is a teamwork, students will be organized in groups of three by the teachers. Remember that everybody in the group has to work.
  • Choose the photograph(s) you are going to use.
  • Write a draft describing your friend and family.
  • Organize all the information and prepare your task using coloured paper and the decoration you want.
  • Present it orally on  December 10th -11th.
Here you have an example of what you have to do.

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