Durante el curso 2009 ~ 2010, el Departamento de Inglés comienza a editar su propio Blog. Nuestra intención es que sirva de vía de comunicación entre profesorado y alumnado. Queremos que sea una herramienta más en nuestra actividad docente. Nos servirá para aprender y para compartir nuestras experiencias.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

The European Union

The European Union (EU) is a group of 28 countries in Europe. These countries are together to make things better, easier and safer for people.
You have to answer some questions about the different countries in the European Union. Click on the links and find the information you need.
  1. Which countries belong to the European Union? 
    Find the answer in this link⇒ Map of the EU
  2. Which is the official language spoken in the European Union countries? 
    Find the answer in this link⇒ European languages
  3. What are the European Union nationalities? 
    Find the answer in this link⇒European nationalities
  4. Which countries in the European Union have got their own currency?
    Find the answer in this link⇒Currency in the EU
  5. Draw the flag of your country. 
    Find the flag in this link⇒ European Flags
  6. Draw the silhoutte of your country.
    Find the answer in this link⇒Show map
  7. Learn how to pronounce the name of your country, nationality and language.
    Find the answer in this link⇒Pronunciation
You can learn more in the Official Website of the European Union.