Durante el curso 2009 ~ 2010, el Departamento de Inglés comienza a editar su propio Blog. Nuestra intención es que sirva de vía de comunicación entre profesorado y alumnado. Queremos que sea una herramienta más en nuestra actividad docente. Nos servirá para aprender y para compartir nuestras experiencias.

Monday, 9 February 2015


Make a PowerPoint presentation to describe and compare either people or sports, types of music, types of food, animals, places, jobs, ...

Choose only three examples, describe some of their characteristics individually and, finally, compare them. Here you have the steps to follow:

  • Organize the different tasks each member of the group has to do.
  • Use your book, a dictionary and Internet to look up the words and facts you need.
  • Bring all the information (in Spanish) to school and write a draft for your final project in class.
  • Include the vocabulary and structures studied, the present simple, can/ can’t, verbos + “ing”/ Adjectives / Comparative and Superlative (unit 3), ...
  • Organize the photos and the written information.
  • Make your own PowerPoint presentation to help you talk about the three chosen elements.
  • Present it orally on March 9th–11th. The teacher will specify you the date.
  • Look at the following PowerPoint presentations as examples of what you have to do.

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