Durante el curso 2009 ~ 2010, el Departamento de Inglés comienza a editar su propio Blog. Nuestra intención es que sirva de vía de comunicación entre profesorado y alumnado. Queremos que sea una herramienta más en nuestra actividad docente. Nos servirá para aprender y para compartir nuestras experiencias.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

What are you wearing?

Design your own poster using photographs taken from magazines, leaflets, newspapers or Internet. All photographs must be related to clothes, seasons and weather .

Helpful tips:
  • Write with your partner a few ideas about your project.
  • Use magazines and leaflets you have at home and select the pictures you need.
  • Write a draft of your project based on the ideas and pictures you find.
Once you have your draft ready, show it to your teacher to be corrected. When she gives it back to you, it's time to start your final project in class. Get scissors, crayons, glue, colourful sheets ready for that day.

Click on the following poster to see an example:


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