Durante el curso 2009 ~ 2010, el Departamento de Inglés comienza a editar su propio Blog. Nuestra intención es que sirva de vía de comunicación entre profesorado y alumnado. Queremos que sea una herramienta más en nuestra actividad docente. Nos servirá para aprender y para compartir nuestras experiencias.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

2º ESO: An Amazing Adventure

You are going to talk about an exciting outdoor adventure you are living with a friend or group of friends.
With the help of an Impress Presentation, you  have to:
  • Talk about the people who go with you.
  • Talk about your daily routine during your trip or adventure.
  • Talk about the things you love/like/enjoy/dislike/hate/can't stand or don't mind doing.
  • Show some photos to your classmates and tell them what you are doing in the photos.
  • Talk about your plans for the following day or days. 
You can use your student's book and notebook for all the vocabulary and structures you need.
This is a teamwork, students will be organized in groups of three. Remember that everybody in the group has to work.
You can use Internet to find all the images you need for your presentation. Remember to use only keywords in the slides to help you talk. Here you have an example:

Wednesday, 31 October 2018


    Durante el presente curso escolar se leerá un libro de lectura por nivel.

    Se trabajará en casa y en clase. Su lectura será obligatoria y habrá una prueba escrita para comprobar que se ha leído y trabajado,  formando parte de la nota del apartado de Reading.

    Para acceder al audio 'haz clic' sobre el libro

    1º y 2º ESO


    The Ghost Teacher       Footsteps 

    3º y 4º ESO


    The Phantom of           The Secret of Silver Lake
    the Opera

    1º y 2º BACH


    A Foreigner in          Oscar Wilde Short Stories


    Saturday, 12 May 2018


    “Our Best Friends” is your final project this year.
    In groups of 3, you are going to introduce 'your best friends' to the rest of the class. Talk about their nationality, appearance, daily routine...: